FC.ID presents ENJOI in Lisboa and Oviedo
ENJOI at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Lisboa, Portugal, and the International Congress on Science and Technology Cultures, Oviedo, Spain.
From Portugal to Spain to talk about ENJOI’s goal to reflect on excellent science communication and journalism in Europe. Esther Marín from FCiências.ID (FC.ID), ENJOI partner, presented the project during two events in October 2021: one national meeting in Lisboa, Portugal, and one international congress in Oviedo, Spain.
The Annual Meetings of the Centre for Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Changes (cE3c), organized periodically either at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa) or at the University of Azores, in Portugal, aim at fostering collaborations and sharing scientific results and outreach activities among researchers.
As part of the cE3c community, Esther Marín presented the project to the research community in a flash talk format: 3 slides, 3 minutes. Understanding that communication is a fundamental task of any researcher, independently of their background, the project was well received and raised interest in how academics can collaborate with journalists and improve their communication skills.
Moving from natural scientists to scholars in the social sciences and the humanities, ENJOI was presented in the International Congress on Science and Technology Cultures, held in Oviedo, Spain. With a short talk within the panel on social communication of science, Esther Marín shared the main goals of the ENJOI project and presented the work to be performed within the Engagement Workshops (EWs) and Labs: in particular, the series of innovative practical tools and products to be produced for multiple as well as specific target audiences.
Scholars from the fields of philosophy of science and technology, anthropology, social science, science communication, and didactics of science attended the session. Providing a good opportunity to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities related to science communication practices.