
11 February 2025

Looking for experts beyond our cultural and geographic ‘bubble’

Scientific journalism often suffers from a Eurocentric bias, limiting the diversity of expert voices and perspectives. By actively seeking out researchers from different geographical and cultural backgrounds, journalists can create more comprehensive and accurate scientific reporting.   A sad feature of much scientific journalism is its Eurocentric and U.S.-centric focus. Journalists often default to discussing […]
30 January 2025

Speaking to the mind and heart: Emotions in science communication

Effective science communication goes beyond facts, engaging emotions to connect with audiences. Research shows curiosity and awe are key in fostering interest and understanding.
17 January 2025

How to employ AI in journalism ethically?

The EBU's News Report 2024 explores AI's impact on journalism, highlighting its potential to enhance efficiency while raising ethical concerns. Emphasizing the "human in the loop" principle, the report advocates for transparency and responsible AI use, ensuring that journalism's core values of accuracy and accountability are upheld.
16 December 2024

Turning climate reporting into a force of change

Excessive focus on negative news – which indeed abounds – has proved ineffective in spreading awareness and, above all, moving people to action. To contribute to the required societal and cultural change, journalism should talk about available solutions and share a narrative of what we want to achieve rather than focusing on the gloomy future that stems from inaction
03 December 2024

Features of polarised scientific messages online: A review

A study from the University of São Paulo reveals a troubling rise in polarised scientific messages online, highlighting a significant knowledge gap in understanding this phenomenon. Researchers found that these communications often present a single viewpoint and use assertive language, underscoring the urgent need for further research to improve science communication and address the divisive effects of polarisation.
07 November 2024

Responsibly leveraging AI in journalism

Generative AI tools have suddenly entered newsrooms, with many journalists already using them to streamline aspects of their work. This raises pressing questions about how to regulate the use of AI responsibly, ensuring transparency without undermining journalism’s credibility
21 October 2024

Why We Struggle to Understand People Outside Our Social Groups

A recent study reveals that individuals find it significantly harder to accurately infer the thoughts and feelings of people outside their social groups, relying instead on first impressions and stereotypes. This cognitive hurdle underscores the need for deeper engagement in conversations, especially in science communication, where overcoming societal divides is essential.   When conversing with […]
10 October 2024

Enhancing Public Engagement in Science Communication through Journalism

The ENJOI project highlighted the need for effective scientific communication and public engagement, fostering dialogue between experts and non-experts. Sociologist and science policy expert Alondra Nelson emphasizes journalists' role in enhancing public understanding of science policy, aligning with NEWSERA's focus on integrating citizen science. Together, these initiatives aim to bridge the gap between science and society.
03 October 2024

Don’t correct disinformation. Prevent it

A new report by ALDA Europe delves into the current state of digital literacy in Europe and shows how to effectively tackle the ongoing “disinformation epidemic.” We must consider that, through social and emotional factors, we all contribute to disinformation by being inattentive users in the digital environment. The key is empowering people with tools to prevent misinformation.
23 September 2024

Tools for highly engaged, quality journalism

Knight Lab's digital tools effectively support traditional storytelling by integrating multimedia elements, creating a more engaging experience for readers and elevating the quality of journalism. But they can also be used in communication projects. Engaging readers in the stories we tell has become increasingly essential in journalism. We want our readers to be not only […]
15 July 2024

Being on the same page

It is not certain that all the people involved in a project agree on the meaning of the words we will have to use. At first, it can be helpful to take some time to clarify. Experiences from an experimental program
10 June 2024

TikTok: A Rising Social Phenomenon or News Desert?

TikTok's explosive growth raises concerns as study reveals dearth of news content, challenging journalism's presence on the platform
23 April 2024

European Union Approved AI Act

On February 13, the European Union ratified the AI Act, establishing the world's first legal framework for regulating artificial intelligence. Although pending a final vote in the European Parliament, the text is nearly finalized and has already generated various reactions. The regulation's official enactment is expected two years after its official publication.
06 March 2024

Engaged Science Journalism. The ENJOI Podcast.

The ENJOI podcast is out!  Listen to "Engaged Science Journalism", a journey through the experiences of some European media who found innovative ways to survive, or even grow, in a post-pandemic world.
05 March 2024

Unveiling AI's Newsroom Role: Efficiency Boosts and Misinformation Hazards

Recent research highlights the widespread adoption of AI tools in newsrooms for various tasks, driven by a need for efficiency amid financial pressures. While AI offers benefits, it also introduces risks of misinformation, emphasizing the importance of careful integration and broader industry engagement.
26 February 2024

Why it's important for journalism to speak to science, and vice versa

In a world where science enters the life of society daily due to pandemics, climate change, and artificial intelligence, understanding scientific processes and methods is crucial. Therefore, the relationship between science and journalism must improve, playing a vital role in facilitating this societal process.
16 February 2024

The risk with data voids in reinforcing misinformation

In the lead-up to the 2024 election, concerns over misinformation abound, fueled by "data voids" and reinforced by online searches. Experts emphasize the need for tailored approaches and recognize trust in information as a multifaceted, ongoing process.
10 February 2024

Aron Pilhofer: «Innovation in journalism should be a measurable process»

What is innovation in journalism? Innovation, Aaccording to Aron Pilhofer, journalist and expert in business models, digital transformation and innovation at The Guardian, innovating means carrying out a recognisable and objectively measurable process.
31 January 2024

Everything that happened during the ENJOI Final Event

On November 16th and 17th 2023, in Palazzo Pepoli, Bologna, the ENJOI Final Event was held. Journalists and practitioners from different countries, backgrounds and experiences gathered in a unique context to actively discuss ENJOI's results and the new frontiers of innovation in science communication and journalism.
15 December 2023

Labelling AI-generated content helps maintain audience trust. Or not?

We already know that artificial intelligence is already present in many newsrooms around the globe. And we know AI-based tools are used to help generate news content in various ways, but often without an explicit declaration of such behaviour. What if we labelled the AI-generated content as such? Are we going to foster a trusting […]
30 November 2023

ENJOI contribution to the Concluding Statement of the PCST Venice Symposium 2023

At the end of September, scholars, practitioners, science writers, and science communicators from around the world met in Venice for the PCST Venice Symposium 2023, a gathering hosted on San Servolo island by the Venice International University. ENJOI project participated in the event and contributed to the discussion, presenting some of its major results. We […]
03 November 2023

AI in the newsroom: a general lack of guidelines. A survey

A new report from the LSE’s JournalismAI initiative underlines the lack of news organisations strategy on AI and highlights some concerns on the future of the industry We already discussed how much and for what kind of purposes AI is used in newsrooms around the world, thanks to a recent report on the topic. A […]
27 October 2023

ENJOI Final Event. Innovation and engagement on the journalism horizon

Join us for the ENJOI Final Event on November 17 in Bologna! An international, cross-border conversation about innovation and engagement on the journalism horizon
25 October 2023

ENJOI Final Event. Engagement and journalism innovation for outstanding open science communication

Join us for the ENJOI Final Event on November 16 in Bologna! Insights from the ENJOI project to promote engagement and journalism innovation for outstanding open science communication
16 October 2023

Watch the ENJOI Policy Event: How can policy shape great science communication?

The ENJOI Policy Event was held on October 4 in Brussels. Watch the video and get inspiration on how policy can support a healthy science communication environment.
11 October 2023

The importance of conversing, also in science communication

The Church of San Zaccaria, a few minutes on foot away from Piazza San Marco and Palazzo Ducale in Venice, contains one of the many remarkable paintings by Giovanni Bellini. The Italian maestro created the painting in 1505 in memory of the Venetian diplomat Pietro Cappello. The scene depicted is a classical representation of a […]
30 September 2023

Data and solution journalism to report on climate change and environmental issue

Journalism can make climate change concrete and promote action to fight it Climate change is increasingly in the headlines. Its (negative) influence on our lives is now tangible. Still, for some reasons – mainly related to how our brain perceives dangers and risks – our attitude remains largely passive, and awareness of the seriousness and […]
25 September 2023

Using artificial intelligence in journalism

Courses, materials, and readings - almost all free of charge - to learn how to use machine learning and artificial intelligence in journalistic practice. Dedicated to editors, journalists, press officers, and, in general, those involved in disseminating and verifying information and data.
20 September 2023

The Renaissance of the Newsletter and where to find them

In a certain way, newsletters have anticipated what journalism would have become. It was already in existence during the Middle Ages, when travelling merchants moved not just goods but also news. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica: "Traders' newsletters contained commercial information on the availability and prices of various goods and services, but they also could […]
11 September 2023

Lights and Shadows on Local Journalism

Engagement has never been more crucial in determining the survival of journalism than in the case of local newspapers and media outlets.
08 September 2023

ENJOI Policy Event. Ethics, engagement and excellence: how can policy shape great science communication?

Join us for the ENJOI Policy Event on October 4 in Brussels! An interactive discussion about how policy can support a healthy science communication environment.
21 August 2023

Fact-checking, engaging communities in debunking scientific hoaxes

In an era when information channels are so diverse and easily accessible, fact-checking has never been more fundamental.
14 August 2023

Starting with Data Journalism: Tools and Courses Available for Journalists

Reading, commenting, and extracting information from data: doing this correctly unequivocally determines whether you are writing a credible article or disseminating fake news.
20 July 2023

Generative AI is here: half of the newsrooms seem already to be using various tools

Insights from the report "Gauging Generative AI’s Impact on Newsroom", collecting inputs from 101 newsroom editors, journalists, and other newsroom staff worldwide.
29 June 2023

The 17th Conference on Communication and Environment gathered researchers, practitioners, artists, and activists in Harrisonburg, Virginia

“Many Voices, One Planet: Accounting for the past and narrating sustainable futures”. The biennial conference organized by the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA) in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley, VA, USA.
26 June 2023

Building a relationship between science journalism and citizen science

Insights from the European project NEWSERA, aimed to incorporate participatory science into science communication. Blueprint for #CitSciComm now available.
19 June 2023

How should science journalism talk about environmental pollution? The collaboration of data journalism and solution journalism

Data is fundamental for framing and understanding the problem, discussing the measures to be taken, and presenting solutions that have been successfully implemented in particular contexts Pollution and environmental disruption are heavy themes, difficult to contextualize and describe. Often, when we read or hear stories about pollution – from the lack of prevention to the […]
30 May 2023

Engaging for innovating and improving science communication

Take-home messages and good intentions from the European Association for Science Engagement (EUSEA) conference
22 May 2023

Slow journalism as an answer to news inflation

Reversing the trend of press-release journalism, or “churnalism”, is necessary to do quality work, but it requires new models of financial sustainability and support from the readers. And it is an interesting approach especially for reporting on science topics
17 May 2023

The right way to make science known, and to bring it into people's lives

At the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Elisabetta Tola and Massimo Polidoro discuss the importance of talking about science, the difficulties that journalists and science communicators face in accurately conveying scientific information, and what still separates the scientific world from other aspects of social and political life, especially in Italy. right way to make science known, […]
09 May 2023

The problem of misinformation after the Covid-19 pandemic

And what kind of precautions should science journalists ask themselves when contacting scientists and researchers
18 April 2023

Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed how science journalists work?

A focus on the selection and use of sources during the pandemic, and on the relation between journalists and scientists
03 April 2023

What went wrong with data journalism during the Covid-19 pandemic

And what we should learn from this, plus some examples of how high-quality data journalism can make a difference
20 March 2023

How cross-border collaboration could help scientific journalism

Cooperation and engagement between journalists in different countries to reach information
17 March 2023

Conversations around citizen science communication and citizen science journalism. NEWSERA final event

On March 29th, 2023, the NEWSERA final event ‘Conversations around citizen science communication and citizen science journalism’ will be hosted at the BIP Meeting Centre, in the historic center of Brussels.
14 March 2023

Flaws in reporting on AI: a checklist tool for reporters

Reporting on AI can be tricky. Journalists do not always possess enough knowledge in the field to avoid exaggerated claims (both positive and negative) and companies tend to hype their products in order to maximize their media exposure. But nonetheless, reporting on AI is crucial in a moment of great expansion of the sector and […]
25 February 2023

Etmaal Conference: an opportunity for discussion and engagement

The ENJOI Partner Anne M. Dijkstra, University of Twente, presented the results of the ENJOI activities during the Conference session devoted to Science Communication and Journalism
23 December 2022

DATA4CitSciNews: Data Journalism, Misinformation and Citizen Science

The NEWSERA-ENJOI Conference "DATA4CitSciNews" on Data Journalism, Misinformation and Citizen Science will be held on November 28 in Barcelona
15 November 2022

DATA4CitSciNews Conference, Barcelona

The NEWSERA-ENJOI Conference "DATA4CitSciNews" on Data Journalism, Misinformation and Citizen Science was held on November 28 in Barcelona
14 October 2022


Participatory events in Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Belgium to improve the quality of science communication and journalism
02 September 2022

ENJOI 4th Engagement Workshop, Portugal

The fourth and last ENJOI Engagement Workshop was held in Lisbon, Portugal, in May 2022. Co-creating the standards, principles and indicators in science communication and journalism
25 August 2022

ENJOI 3rd Engagement Workshop, Spain

The third ENJOI Engagement Workshop was held in Barcelona, Spain, in April 2022. Co-creating the standards, principles and indicators in science communication and journalism
31 July 2022

ENJOI 2nd Engagement Workshop, Belgium

The 2nd ENJOI Engagement Workshop was held in Bruxelles, Belgium, in 29 March 2022. Co-creating the standards, principles and indicators in science communication and journalism
16 June 2022

ENJOI 1st Engagement Workshop, Italy

The first ENJOI Engagement Workshop was held in Bologna, Italy, in March 2022. Co-creating the standards, principles and indicators in science communication and journalism
11 May 2022

QUEST: Looking for quality and effectiveness in SciComm

How to define, measure and support quality in science communication? Interview with Alessandra Fornetti, coordinator of the European Project QUEST
02 March 2022

SPIs pilot workshop in Italy

Looking for standards, principles and indicators in scicomm and science journalism: the ENJOI workshop during the Italian Conference of Science Communication in Trieste, November 2021.
30 November 2021

FC.ID presents ENJOI in Lisboa and Oviedo

ENJOI at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Lisboa, Portugal, and the International Congress on Science and Technology Cultures, Oviedo, Spain.
12 November 2021

SPIs for excellent scicomm @CCSC21, Barcelona

More than 300 science communication professionals gathered from September 29th to October 1st at the VIII Congress of Social Communication of Science (CCSC21) held in CosmoCaixa Museum in Barcelona, Spain.
29 June 2021

Enjoy our ENJOI website

Exploring engagement innovation to promote an outstanding open science communication and journalism: this is the goal of the European project ENJOI. Find out more in our brand-new website!
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