Exploiting, testing and
expanding ENJOI results
«We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.»Marshall McLuhan
The ENJOI tools: goals
Needs, expectations and demands for high quality science communication and journalism collected during the ENJOI participatory workshops and the SPIs definition process helped shape and fine tune the innovative and practical tools.
End-users - ranging from citizens to journalists, from scientists to policy makers - participated in the design and testing of the practical tailor-made tools in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
This is the ENJOI’s concrete answer to promote critical thinking and digital awareness, fight misinformation and increase media literacy.
The ENJOI tools: prototypes
We used the results of the ENJOI Engagement Workshops and Labs carried out in Italy, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal to produce, test and evaluate two sets of innovative practical tools for several target users. Overall, 8 prototypes were developed - 2 per country in the 4 countries where the Engagement Workshops and Labs took place.
First set of ENJOI tools
- Toolkit for young people to promote peer-education on science communication (Italy)
- Checklist of the ENJOI SPIs (Spain)
- Online platform for science journalism: The scientific articles explained step by step (Portugal)
- Roadmap to support the recognition of science communication activities in the scientific career at the EU level (Belgium)
Second set of ENJOI tools
- Open source platform to evaluate science journalism (Italy)
- ENJOILY, a platform to review and improve articles based on the good practices identified in ENJOI SPIs (Spain)
- Guide to communicate scientific content (Portugal)
- Interactive guideline “The ENJOI SPIs in practice: Examples of good science journalism in three Southern European countries and abroad” (Belgium)
Once produced, the tools were tested and evaluated with external end-users from the specific country where those have been co-designed.
FC.ID provided all methodology and guidance to conduct this evaluation, also collecting the feedback for the ENJOI evaluation process.
Connecting overseas
Knowledge exchange is at the core of the ENJOIs expansion overseas. ENJOI shares its findings abroad and incorporate a non-Western perspective on science communication building contemporarily mutual trust and connections that will last beyond the project end.
Zenodo ENJOI Community
Feeding the future ENJOI Observatory, the Zenodo Community is a public virtual place where the ENJOI’s research materials and results will be openly shared.
Key deliverables
D6.1 Report on the production, testing and evaluation of 1st set of innovative practical tools designed by multiple target users (confidential), Marín-González E., Luís C. and Navalhas I. (FC.ID) - June 2023
D6.2 Report on the production, testing and evaluation of 2nd set of innovative practical tools specifically addressed to 4-helix stakeholders (confidential), Marín-González E., Luís C. and Navalhas I. (FC.ID) - November 2023
D6.3 Report of potential collaborations with Third countries (confidential), Rivera M. and Toran R. (ACCC), Tola E. and Salandin T. (formicablu), Marín González E. (FC.ID), Matozinhos K. (SfC) - April 2023