Watch the ENJOI Policy Event: How can policy shape great science communication?
The ENJOI Policy Event was held on October 4 in Brussels. Watch the video and get inspiration on how policy can support a healthy science communication environment.
The ENJOI Policy Event in Brussels
How can policy shape great science communication? The ENJOI Policy Event revolved around this question. The gathering took in Brussels at the BIP Meeting Centre on the 4th of October, starting at 10.30 and ending at 12.30 CET.
In the past three years, the European project ENJOI worked to define a set of Standard, Principles and Indicators (SPIs) of high-quality science communication and journalism. The ENJOI SPIs are the product of different actions - such as Engagement Workshops, Labs, field and participatory research, scientific literary review, evaluation and testing phases - that also led to the creation of the ENJOI Manifesto for an Outstanding Open Science Communication and the ENJOI Observatory.
These results were discussed during the ENJOI Policy event in Brussels.
Elisabetta Tola, ENJOI coordinator, presented the project's policy recommendations to help policy support a healthy science communication environment, effectively combating global challenges with good science communication and journalism. These recommendations, which soon will be available through the ENJOI final policy brief, revolved around some key principles such as engagement, inclusion, diversity, open science, and open access. Training and capacity building was also considered at the core of high quality science communication and science journalism.
Aleksandra Hebda, Policy Officercer at the DG R&I of the European Commission, gave a keynote speech entitled "The state of the art - Open Science policy and the ORE (Open Research Europe Platform)" ORE is an open access publishing venue for European Commission-funded researchers across all disciplines, with no author fees.
After the introductory sessions, a round table moderated by Elisabetta Tola explored the current status and future potential of the science communication field, thanks to four key stakeholders in the field of science journalism and communication: Gianpaolo Accardo, Co-founder, Executive Editor at VoxEurop and Co-founder and Chief editor of the European Data Journalism Network, Vitalba Crivello, Science Policy & Communication Expert at the European Science Media Hub, European Parliament, Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan, Vice President of the Public Communication Science and Technology Network (PCST), and Daniela Ovadia, Science Journalist, FRONTIERS project, ERC-Science Journalism Initiative.
The second part of the meeting, moderated by Michael Creek from Stickydot, was a collaborative and participatory session designed to collect feedback, opinions, perspectives, critiques, proposals, and ideas from the participants. The purpose of this format is also to give the participants a glimpse of the methodologies implemented over the course of the project, increasing engagement and co-creation.
Policy Event Agenda
Download here the ENJOI Policy Event agenda!
Watch the ENJOI Policy Event
Watch here the ENJOI Policy Event "Ethics, engagement and excellence: how can policy shape great science communication?"