The ENJOI Project
ENJOI (ENgagement and JOurnalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication) is exploring and testing engagement as a key asset of innovation in science communication distributed via media platforms, with a strong focus on journalism. Through a combination of methodologies and in collaboration with producers, target users and stakeholders of science communication, ENJOI co-created and selected a set of standards, principles and indicators (SPIs) condensed to a Manifesto for an Outstanding Open Science Communication.
ENJOI is deploying a series of actions via Engagement Workshops, Labs, field and participatory research, evaluation and testing phases. It is also building an Observatory as its landmark product to make all results and outputs available to foster capacity building and collaboration of all actors in the field. ENJOI is working in four countries: Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain, taking into account different cultural contexts.
ENJOI’s ultimate goal is that of improving science communication by making it more consistently reliable, truthful, open and engaging. Contextually, ENJOI contributes to the active development of critical thinking, digital awareness and media literacy of all actors involved in the process.
Visit Method to explore the project structure and its key actions.
The knowledge generated by ENJOI is grouped into a series of documents available for download.
Explore the interactive infographic ENJOI THE ROAD to find out more about the project's main stopovers.
The ENJOI Team

Formicablu is an Italian science communication agency based in Bologna, Italy, offering communication strategies and multimedia products through an interdisciplinary strategy. We work together with a wide range of customers and partners, including scientific community, mass media, science museums, primary and secondary schools, publishers, foundations, institutions and CSOs. We rely on high quality editorial and multimedia skills and strategies, and we aim at enhancing the impact of communication through a creative approach based on different storytelling formats. We are the ENJOI coordinator and we are in charge of the project management, communication and dissemination activities. We will also carry out the ENJOI media landscape research, exploring the existing innovation and openness in science journalism and communication.

Science For Change
Science for Change is a Spanish SME based in Barcelona with an enthusiastic interdisciplinary team focused on implementing citizen science initiatives. We use co-design and co-creation strategies to tackle socio-environmental issues following the quadruple helix model, a methodology that engages scientific institutions, public administrations, private sector and citizens. We are part of 6 other H2020 projects, including NEWSERA as coordinators (a project that integrates citizen science in science communication).
In ENJOI we will make sure that we have representative targets in a very participative way contributing with our expertise in community engagement, citizen science and co-creation processes.

Catalan Association of Science Communication (ACCC)
The Catalan Association of Science Communication (ACCC) was established in 1990 as a professional organization that brings together scientific communicators, journalists, scientists, publishers and promoters of the Catalan interested in communicating science information in media. The main objective of the ACCC is to promote, disseminate, expand and improve science communication in Catalan-speaking territories. Also wants to influence the social and political aspects of scientific information, while ensuring that contributes to social progress. Another priority of the ACCC is to facilitate the training of its members and encourage debate and self-criticism among communicators of science, technology and innovation. ACCC coordinates different projects as Illustraciencia and PerCientEx. In ENJOI we are in charge of developing the SPIs (Standards, Principles and Indicators) in science communication and we manage the social media accounts.

FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências is a Portuguese Non-Profit Private Association created as a common initiative of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa) and 6 private companies to support, potentiate, and develop R&D and innovation activities of its associates. This association aims at enhancing Ciências ULisboa strategic partnerships with market and services companies, therefore creating a more challenging environment for research and innovation. FCiências.ID is the legal representative of 19 research centres, in several scientific fields. The research centres involved in ENJOI are the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c) and the Interuniversity Centre of History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT).

University of Twente
The University of Twente has High Tech Human Touch as a guiding principle. Some 3,500 researchers and other professionals are working together on cutting-edge research, innovations with real-world relevance and inspiring education for more than 10,000 students. Throughout the whole research and innovation process the University of Twente emphasizes the importance of debate with, and within, society about the development of new and emerging technologies. The University of Twente is highly interested in gaining more insight in the science-society relationship, not only in theory, but also in practice. Especially in terms of Responsible Research and Innovation and science communication aspects. With its academic expertise at the department of Communication Science in the field of science communication, education and public engagement it provides precious impulses in the examination of the science-society interface and in the development of interactive and engaging strategies to improve this interface. In ENJOI we are responsible for evaluative research in the project as well as research related to gain broader understanding of the science-media relationship.

Stickydot is a Brussels collective with expertise on multi-stakeholder engagement in research and innovation. We are committed to pushing public engagement in science further, ensuring that all voices are included when it comes to co-creating R&I in a way that addresses the big societal challenges of our times. We believe firmly in playful, participatory methods to get us there, and we have the experience and skills to make it happen: co-creating processes, facilitating dialogue and training professionals.
In ENJOI we are leading on the methodology for co-creating standards and indicators for excellent science communication with peers.